Skincare: how to establish a beauty routine?

Taking care of your skin is essential not only to maintain its radiance and freshness, but also to prevent signs of aging and maintain healthy skin. The key to achieving this lies in establishing a suitable beauty routine, incorporating targeted products according to skin type, whether dry, oily, combination, sensitive or normal. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an effective, personalized skincare routine.

Step 1: it is essential to cleanse your skin

The first step in any beauty routine is cleansing. Using a cleansing gel or micellar water adapted to your skin type helps eliminate impurities, excess sebum , and dead cells accumulated throughout the day.

Oily skin will benefit from a cleanser that helps regulate sebum production, while dry skin will prefer a more hydrating formula such as a cleansing milk or cleansing oil that does not dry out the epidermis. For sensitive skin, choose gentle cleansers without alcohol or fragrance to avoid irritation .

Adaptive cosmetics is interesting because it will adapt to your skin, regardless of its type at the time of application of the product.

In terms of ingredients, oily, combination and normal skin types may favor salicylic acid-based cleansers. Sensitive skin should look for treatments with moisturizing agents like apricot kernel oil and gluconolactone. Dry skin, for its part, will benefit from moisturizing formulas with probiotics and prebiotics.

Step 2: Use a toner

Using a toner in your beauty routine can offer several benefits for the skin. Here are some reasons:

  1. Balancing the skin's pH : After cleansing, the skin's pH may be disrupted. Toners help restore skin pH balance, which is essential for healthy skin.

  2. Deep cleanse : Toners can remove remaining impurities and makeup residue that initial cleansing failed to remove.

  3. Moisturize : Some toners contain hydrating ingredients that help keep skin hydrated, especially if you're using a toner with ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin.

  4. Prepare the skin for the following products : Applying a toner before other skin care products can help prepare the skin to more effectively absorb the active ingredients in serums , creams and lotions that will be applied afterward.

  5. Soothe and refresh the skin : Some toners contain soothing ingredients, like aloe or rose water, which can calm irritated skin and make it feel refreshed.

Step 3: Feed and Treat

Depending on your specific needs, you can incorporate targeted serums or treatment creams into your routine. This can include anti-aging treatments to combat wrinkles and aging, mattifying products for oily skin, or even soothing treatments enriched with aloe vera or chamomile to calm redness and irritation in sensitive skin . Don't neglect the eye area, a delicate area that often requires specific care to reduce fine lines and dehydration .

Step 4: Moisturize

Hydration is crucial for all skin types. It helps maintain the skin barrier and prevent dehydration. A good moisturizer or serum enriched with hyaluronic acid can help maintain hydration within the cells of the epidermis.

Dry skin will appreciate rich, creamy textures, while light formulas like gels or emulsions will be ideal for oily or combination skin.

Step 5: Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliating the skin in your beauty routine has several important benefits:

  1. Removing Dead Skin Cells : Over time, skin cells can build up on the surface, which can make the skin look dull and clog pores . Exfoliation helps remove these dead cells, revealing brighter, more radiant skin.

  2. Improved skin texture : By removing dead skin cells, exfoliation can help smooth skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and blemishes.

  3. Unblocking pores : Exfoliation helps dislodge pore-clogging impurities and oil, which can reduce the appearance of blackheads, pimples and enlarged pores.

  4. Stimulation of cell regeneration : Exfoliation stimulates the skin's natural cell renewal, promoting healthier, younger-looking skin.

  5. Improved effectiveness of other skin care products : By removing dead skin cells, exfoliation allows other skin care products, such as serums and creams, to penetrate the skin more effectively. skin, which maximizes its benefits.

Step 6: Sun protection

Protecting your skin from the sun's rays with UV protection is essential to maintaining skin health and preventing damage caused by exposure to UV rays. Here are some important reasons:

  1. Skin Cancer Prevention : Excessive exposure to UV rays can damage the DNA of skin cells, increasing the risk of developing skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

  2. Prevention of premature skin aging : UV rays can cause damage to the skin's structure, including the breakdown of collagen and elastin, leading to the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and sagging of the skin.

  3. Reduced risk of sunburn : Excessive exposure to UV rays can cause sunburn, which can be painful and damage the skin in the short term, as well as contribute to long-term damage.

  4. Prevention of pigment spots : Exposure to the sun can lead to hyperpigmentation of the skin, manifested by the appearance of brown spots or freckles. Using sunscreen can help prevent these age spots from forming.

  5. Maintaining overall skin health : Protecting the skin from UV rays helps maintain its integrity and overall health, which contributes to more beautiful, healthier, younger-looking skin in the long term.

It is important to use broad-spectrum sun protection with an appropriate SPF (sun protection factor) every day, even on cloudy days or in winter, because UV rays can pass through clouds and windows. Additionally, it is recommended to reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently after swimming, excessive sweating, or wiping with a towel.

Your beauty routine should be adapted not only to your skin type, but also to your environment and your lifestyle. For people living in urban areas, it may be wise to incorporate anti-pollution products. On the other hand, those who are often outdoors should favor products with higher sun protection. Finally, always remove makeup every evening before sleeping to let the skin breathe and regenerate overnight.

With these steps, your skin will be better protected, hydrated, and glowing with health. However, it is important to remain attentive to your skin's reactions and adjust your routine if necessary. Sometimes, a simple adjustment of a product can make all the difference to your skin comfort and the radiance of your complexion .