VIBRATE | Biomimicry and beauty: revolution in cosmetics

In the ever-changing world of beauty and skincare, an emerging trend has captivated the attention of scientists, doctoral students , researchers and innovation enthusiasts: biomimicry .

This revolutionary approach draws inspiration from nature to create innovative cosmetic formulations that transcend traditional standards.

In this article, we'll explore in depth what biomimicry is, where it comes from, and how it's transforming the beauty landscape.

What is biomimicry?

Biomimicry is a scientific and conceptual approach which consists of drawing inspiration from living things , complex systems , processes and elements present in nature to solve human problems, design technological innovations, or even improve innovative products and processes. . The fundamental idea behind biomimicry is to imitate or draw inspiration from nature to create effective and sustainable solutions.

This approach to sustainability can touch various fields, such as engineering , biology, chemistry, medicine, product design, cosmetics and many others. Biomimetic scientists, engineers and designers study the forms, structures, functions and strategies found in the natural kingdom, then apply this knowledge to human innovations.


Biomimicry offers a creative way to approach today's challenges by leveraging the efficiencies and ingenuity developed by millions of years of biological evolution.

In the quest for innovative solutions for current environmental challenges, biomimicry is therefore emerging as a catalyst for sustainable development. Engineers, inspired by natural ecosystems and biological processes, explore innovative ecological and technological processes to design sustainable products and technologies. This marriage between biomimicry and sustainable development offers new perspectives for the preservation of natural resources and the reduction of environmental impacts.

Biomimetic engineering: imitating nature

Biomimetic engineering has its foundations in biology, imitating living things and biological processes to solve complex problems. Researchers explore scales from ecosystems to living organisms , using biology as inspiration for innovative research and development.

Algae , for example, is becoming a source of inspiration for solar energy research, while architects and engineers are inspired by the principles of termite mounds and design energy-efficient structures.


  • Biodiversity and biomimicry

  • Biodiversity , which represents the variety of life forms in a given ecosystem, becomes an inexhaustible source of inspiration for biomimicry. Biologists explore ecosystems, from oceans to land, to discover biological models for developing sustainable innovations. Corals, marine sponges, lotuses and bees are becoming models for innovative solutions that respect the environment.

    • Biomimicry and technology: innovation in the service of ecology

    Technological advances inspired by nature are multiplying, from tidal turbines imitating an eel's fin to robotics inspired by the fluid movements of animals. Mimicking nature goes beyond simple coatings or membranes , reaching areas such as artificial photosynthesis , where the principles of plant photosynthesis are used to develop innovative energy solutions.

    • Sustainable innovation

    At the crossroads of biology, chemistry, and engineering, biomimicry therefore offers innovative solutions to meet ecological and economic challenges. Researchers, engineers, and biologists work together to imitate natural processes, develop sustainable technologies, and thus contribute to a successful ecological transition. Biomimicry is positioned as a driving force for sustainable innovation and renewed harmony with our environment.

    Biomimicry applied to cosmetics

    In cosmetics, biomimetic compounds are forged from natural or synthetic ingredients and are identical, or nearly identical, to what the human body produces itself, allowing products containing them to function in the same way.

    "By copying a compound that the body produces naturally , or by simulating the structure of hair and skin, treatments achieve better results. For scientists, copying nature guarantees a certain success rate, because greater effectiveness will along with compounds that mimic a biological process rather than randomly selected chemicals,” explains Lionel Ripoll, professor of cosmetology at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi.

    The biomimetic approach therefore represents a significant advance because it combines the effectiveness of powerful active ingredients with an approach that respects and imitates the biological processes of the skin. This synergy not only guarantees visible and lasting results, but also better tolerance of the products, reducing the risk of irritation or allergies.

    biomimetic butterfly

    Examples of biomimicry in cosmetics: the art of drawing inspiration from nature

    1. The Shine of Butterfly Wings

    Imagine capturing the glow of butterfly wings in a makeup product. Researchers have studied the nanostructure of butterfly wings to reproduce this unique iridescence in eyeshadows and highlighters. The result ? Cosmetic products that capture light in a natural way, creating a subtle glow on the skin.

    1. Eternal hydration of succulent plants

    Succulent plants, known for their ability to store water in arid environments, have inspired the development of revolutionary hydrating formulations. By mimicking the hydration mechanisms of succulents, some creams and lotions guarantee prolonged hydration, providing skin with a healthy glow and protection against dehydration.

    1. Alliance between performance and nature

    Shark skin is known for its special texture which reduces drag in the water, thereby improving the swimming performance of sharks. Scientists and biomimicry researchers have studied this characteristic to create beauty products, such as creams and lotions, that mimic the texture of shark skin . This bio-inspiration is often used to improve the application of products to the skin, making them more fluid and promoting rapid absorption.

    This same approach has been applied to innovate and develop swimming suits that mimic the texture of the skin of these marine predators. This innovation allows swimmers to reduce drag in the water, improving their performance.

    VIBRE: inspired and biomimetic organic care

    biomimetic vibrates

    The structure of human skin has always been a challenge and the process of creating VIBRE bio-inspired skincare began with an in-depth study of natural mechanisms. We have studied the biology, molecular science, chemistry and physics found in skin to understand how these elements can be applied to cosmetic solutions.

    With this in-depth understanding and years of research and development , we have developed formulations that mimic the skin's natural processes while meeting the skin's specific needs.

    Our products have been developed to mimic the lipid composition of the skin, improving nutrient absorption and moisture retention. These unique treatments strengthen the skin barrier and respond to the skin's needs, offering increased protection against external aggressions and stimulating cellular regeneration.