How and why use an antioxidant serum?

The skin weakens with age, it loses its regenerative functions such as vascular reactivity, and structure at the level of the skin barrier as well as tissues over time.

It is also important to emphasize that the various factors responsible for skin aging can be a natural process, but also accelerated by free radicals which accentuate the breakdown and oxidation of cells.

These are produced by the air we breathe, and generally the body eliminates them over time. However, several factors such as poor lifestyle (poor diet, alcohol, tobacco) cause an overproduction of free radicals . This action then leads to oxidation and destruction of cells when they proliferate abnormally. This is why antioxidant serums are allies for any premature signs of aging such as brown spots , loss of radiance and all imperfections. The antioxidant serum will help fight against skin aging and prevent the multiplication of free radicals. It is a real shield against the signs of aging .

Antioxidants: what are they?

They are broken down into several families (non-exhaustive list):

  • Vitamins A, C, E
  • Minerals: selenium, zinc
  • Polyphenols (quercetin found in foods)
  • Beta carotene
  • Lycopene

Antioxidants help prevent damage not only to skin cells but also to various organs in the body. They are found in a variety of foods, vegetables, seafood, grains and fruits. When absorbed by the body, they protect against certain cardiovascular diseases, cancers and vision problems.

In cosmetics, antioxidants applied topically help protect the skin and fight against free radicals responsible for cellular aging.

Why use an antioxidant serum?

Skin aging follows a chronological order, it is genetically programmed but the predominant action of oxygenated free radicals produced in the body promotes skin sagging. It results in the appearance of the first wrinkles , a loss of elasticity, atrophy of the skin and changes in immune and inflammatory responses.

The so-called stochastic theory is based on the fact that when cells are subjected to modifications in pressure or changes in the environment in which they usually live, they manage to anticipate these modifications through well-defined strategies. But when these cells are subjected to too many free radicals which attack the epidermis, this results in a disorder within them. We talk about oxidative stress . Over time, the skin no longer has its defenses and reveals pigmentary disorders.

The use of antioxidants will allow protection against free radicals , fight against cellular oxidation, reduce inflammation, fill wrinkles and combat sagging skin. Their presence in serums helps keep skin supple and elastic. They also help keep a radiant complexion and even it out. 

anti oxidant serum

How to use an antioxidant serum?

Before choosing an antioxidant serum, it is important to know your skin type. Specific skin types, including sensitive , oily, atopic, itchy, or even normal skin can benefit from specific formulations. 

For example, if you have dry skin, you may want to choose a serum that contains hydrating oils. If you have oily skin, look for lightweight, non-comedogenic formulas.

Vitamin C, vitamin E, retinol, seed oils and three other antioxidants, including ferulic acid, coenzyme Q10, are most commonly used in antioxidant serums. Each of these ingredients offers unique benefits for your skin.

So, take the time to understand the ingredients and do some research on which ones work best for you. 

  • Integration into daily care routine

When it comes to skin care, it's important to apply a serum with antioxidant properties before applying a moisturizer. A routine consists of several steps in chronological order that must be followed in order to see their benefits: a toner, a serum, eye contour, moisturizing cream then a sunscreen.

By applying the serum first, powerful antioxidants penetrate deep into the skin, protecting it from damage caused by free radicals and environmental aggressors.

The role of antioxidant serums in a routine plays an indispensable role. They will first be used for their anti-aging aspect but not only that. They will tighten pores, hydrate, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, blur imperfections, reduce redness, regain radiance...

The next step is to then seal with a moisturizer , locking in moisture and nutrients, ensuring optimal hydration and a reinforced protective barrier.

We suggest using the Antioxidant Serum morning and evening for longer-lasting protection during the day and repair at night while you sleep. Furthermore, retinol serums are said to prepare the skin from sun damage, making them a great addition to your nighttime routine.

serum texture

  • Effective application techniques

First, cleanse your skin thoroughly before applying serum to remove impurities and makeup residue that can clog your pores.

Then, gently massage the serum onto your face using gentle upward motions to evenly cover the entire face.

It may also help to lightly pat the skin after application to help with better absorption. Also avoid applying too many products. A small amount is usually enough to cover the entire face.

Finally, wait a few minutes before applying other products to your skin to allow the serum to penetrate effectively.