Facial massage, the beauty gesture to adopt

Beyond the application of creams and serums, facial massage is emerging as an essential ritual to preserve the youthfulness of facial skin and promote a feeling of deep well-being.

The basics of facial massage

Facial massage dates back centuries, rooted in the ancient traditions of various cultures. Through circular movements, gentle pressure and specific techniques, it aims to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, release muscular tension and revitalize the skin.

Why massage your face?

  • Stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation

When we massage our face, we stimulate blood circulation, thus promoting the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients to the skin cells. Likewise, massage helps eliminate accumulated toxins by activating lymphatic circulation, which can reduce swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

  • Target the signs of aging: wrinkles and firming

One of the main objectives of facial massage is its anti-aging action, such as frown lines , forehead wrinkles and sagging skin. By stimulating blood circulation and toning facial muscles , massage can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, while firming and lifting the skin.

  • Relaxation and stress reduction

Facial massage can be extremely relaxing, helping to reduce stress and tension. It can also help relieve headaches and muscle tension in the face and neck.

  • Improved absorption of skincare products

Facial massage improves the absorption of skin care products primarily by increasing blood circulation and warming the skin, making it more receptive.

By stimulating circulation, massage ensures better irrigation of skin tissues, thus facilitating the supply of nutrients and oxygen. This action combined with the heat generated by the massage movements makes the skin more permeable, allowing the active ingredients of serums and creams to penetrate deeper and more effectively into the skin, thus maximizing their beneficial effects.

  • Relief of symptoms of certain skin conditions

Facial massage can play a crucial role in relieving the symptoms of certain skin conditions, including acne and rosacea, by improving blood and lymphatic circulation . When circulation is improved through massage techniques, the skin receives more oxygen and nutrients, which can speed up the process of cellular repair and regeneration.

This is particularly beneficial for acne-prone skin, where improved circulation can help reduce the appearance of new spots and promote the healing of existing lesions.

Additionally, by stimulating the lymphatic system, facial massage helps eliminate toxins and reduce excess fluids that can contribute to inflammation. This reduction in inflammation is crucial for people suffering from rosacea, a condition characterized by sometimes painful redness and inflammation. By decreasing inflammation and promoting effective lymphatic drainage, massage can help alleviate symptoms and provide noticeable relief.

Since stress is a factor that can exacerbate many dermatological conditions, the relaxing effects of facial massage also provide an indirect benefit by helping to moderate stress-related hormonal responses, such as cortisol production, which can worsen acne and d other inflammatory skin conditions.

Thus, regularly integrated into skincare routines, facial massage can contribute to a general improvement in skin health and a reduction in the symptoms associated with these conditions.

How to massage your face?

Some of the most commonly used techniques include circular movements , gentle pressure, and the use of tools such as Gua Sha. These practices help relax facial muscles, firm the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a natural anti-aging effect.

  • Circular movements

Circular movements form the basis of facial massage. Using the palms of your hands or fingertips , make gentle, even circles over the entire face, paying particular attention to areas prone to tension such as the forehead, cheeks and jawline. This gesture promotes relaxation, while stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation.

  • Gua Sha

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese skincare technique that involves scraping the skin with a smooth stone tool, often made from jade, rose quartz, or other natural minerals. Although gua sha can be practiced on different parts of the body, it is particularly popular for the face due to its aesthetic and relaxing effects.

Improved circulation : By gently scraping the skin with the gua sha tool, blood circulation is stimulated, which can help oxygenate and nourish skin tissues, promoting a more radiant and vibrant complexion.

Reduced inflammation and swelling : Gua sha helps promote lymphatic drainage, which can reduce swelling and inflammation, especially around the eyes and cheeks.

Anti-aging effects : The regular, gentle movements of gua sha can also help tone facial muscles, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and firm the skin, providing a natural lifting effect.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction : Like other forms of massage, gua sha can be extremely relaxing, helping to reduce muscle tension and stress, which is beneficial for overall skin health.

To practice gua sha, it is recommended to use it with an oil or serum to facilitate the sliding of the tool on the skin and avoid any irritation. Movements should be performed with light to moderate pressure, always following the direction of lymphatic drainage, generally outwards and down the face and neck.

Gua sha is an increasingly popular practice in modern beauty routines, combining traditional principles with aesthetic and therapeutic benefits appreciated today.

  • Facial self-massage

Facial self-massage is a simple and effective practice that you can incorporate into your daily skin care routine. Using your fingers, gently massage your face following the natural contours, focusing on areas of tension and acupressure points. This not only allows you to promote blood circulation, but also gives you a precious moment of relaxation and connection with your skin.

A simple technique is to lightly pinch the skin between your thumb and index finger, using small upward movements along wrinkles and areas prone to sagging. This action stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, essential for maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Just as we tone the muscles of our body, it is also possible to strengthen the muscles of the face through massage. By performing pressing and tapping movements on areas such as the cheeks, chin and jawline, we can help prevent sagging and maintain a defined facial oval .

Adaptation according to skin type and personal needs

It is important to tailor the facial massage to your specific skin type and concerns. For example, sensitive skin may require gentler movements and non-irritating products, while oily skin may benefit from more forceful massage techniques to help unclog pores.


By incorporating facial massage into your skincare routine, you are investing not only in your appearance, but also in your overall well-being. Beyond the aesthetic benefits, this ancestral practice offers a precious moment of relaxation and connection with oneself. Whether using your palms , your fingertips or specialized tools such as Gua Sha, facial massage is a beauty gesture to adopt to nourish, revitalize and cherish your skin.