How to properly hydrate your skin?

Properly hydrating your skin is a crucial step in maintaining its integrity and beauty. Well-hydrated skin appears younger, more supple and radiant. However, each skin type has its own needs, whether oily , dry, combination, or normal skin. To obtain hydrated and nourished skin, it is essential to adopt beauty routines adapted to your skin type.

This includes choosing the right cleanser, moisturizer and applying specific treatments like plant-based oils and hydrating masks.

How to properly hydrate your oily skin?

People with oily skin often struggle with excessive sebum production . However, hydrating the skin is just as crucial for this skin type.

It is important to cleanse your skin morning and evening with a gentle cleanser designed for oily skin. This helps eliminate excess sebum without damaging the hydrolipidic film that protects the skin. Choose cleansers with gentle exfoliating agents such as salicylic acid which will control excess oil.

After cleansing, apply a lightweight moisturizer or gel moisturizer specifically formulated to not clog pores. Light plant-based oils like jojoba oil can also help balance sebum production while keeping skin hydrated and nourished. Biomimetic treatments also make it possible to balance the hydro-lipid film while deeply hydrating it.

How to properly hydrate your dry skin?

Dry skin suffers from a lack of water and oil, making the skin rough and sometimes flaky.

If you have dry skin, cleanse your skin with a gentle, moisturizing cleanser, avoiding harsh soaps which can further dry out the skin. Also use rich moisturizers that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid , which can lock moisture in the skin, and nourishing agents like shea butter and ceramides . A weekly hydrating mask can also help replenish lost moisture.

How to properly hydrate your combination skin?

Combination skin has both oily areas, generally on the T zone (forehead, nose, chin), and dry areas on the cheeks. This requires a balanced approach when choosing products. Opt for gentle cleansers and moisturizers specially designed for combination skin. You can also use non-comedogenic vegetable oils in dry areas and mattifying or sebum-regulating products in oily areas.

For a simplified routine, use adaptive and biomimetic treatments. They will adapt to your skin and save you from buying multiple treatments.

How to properly hydrate your normal skin?

Even normal skin requires hydration to maintain its balance. A simple but effective skincare routine includes using a gentle cleanser followed by a suitable moisturizer . Normal skin can benefit from a wide variety of products, but it is always best to choose formulas that support the hydrolipidic film and provide protection against environmental aggressions.

How to properly hydrate your sensitive skin?

To properly hydrate sensitive skin, it is essential to choose gentle and specific products, such as cleansers without sulfates or perfumes and hypoallergenic moisturizers.

Opt for formulations rich in soothing ingredients like aloe vera, glycerin, and hyaluronic acid. It is also recommended to apply these products to slightly damp skin to better retain moisture. Avoid products containing alcohol, dyes, and artificial fragrances that can irritate sensitive skin, and always choose dermatologically tested products to minimize reactions.

Establish a daily skincare routine with a moisturizer

For all skin types, establishing a daily morning and evening skincare routine is fundamental.

Always start by cleansing your skin to remove impurities and dead cells . This allows the skin to breathe and optimizes the effectiveness of moisturizing products applied subsequently.

After cleansing, apply an alcohol-free toner to prepare the skin for moisturizing treatments. Next, use a hydrating serum , followed by a moisturizer suited to your skin type to seal in moisture. Don't neglect the eyes and lips, which have particularly sensitive areas and require specific products.

Including a hydrating mask in your weekly routine can provide an extra hydration boost. These products are often rich in moisturizing agents and can work wonders for revitalizing the skin. Choose a mask suitable for your skin type and let it work according to the instructions before rinsing it off.

Protect the skin from external aggressions

Finally, protecting your skin from external aggressions such as the sun, pollution and climate change is crucial. Use sunscreen every day, even when it's cloudy, to prevent UV damage, which can dehydrate skin and accelerate skin aging.