Dark circles: how to make them disappear?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem that can affect many people's appearance and self-confidence. Whether caused by fatigue, stress, or other factors, these dark circles can be difficult to get rid of.

In this article, we'll look at the different causes of dark circles, types of dark circles, and methods to combat them, including hyaluronic acid injection and other treatments. Indeed, each type of dark circles has its own treatment because vascular dark circles or those due to water retention are very different.

Causes of dark circles

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by several factors. One of the main causes is the overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. When melanin production is excessive in the eye area, it can lead to dark circles , also known as dark circles.

Dilated or visible blood vessels under the skin around the eyes can also cause dark circles. This may be due to genetic factors, poor blood circulation , or lifestyle habits such as excessive alcohol consumption, which can dilate blood vessels and make dark circles more visible.

There are different types of dark circles, and each may require a specific approach to treat them effectively.

Dark circles are characterized by a dark discoloration of the skin under the eyes, while hollow circles appear as a sagging or hollowness in the skin around the eyes. Dark circles can also vary in location, with some being more pronounced in the inner corner of the eye or on the lower eyelid.

black circles

How to combat dark circles caused by pigmentation?

Dark circles caused by pigmentation, also called pigmentary circles or dark circles, can be particularly frustrating to deal with. However, there are several methods to combat these dark circles and improve the appearance of the eye area. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Lightening creams

Use specially formulated creams or serums to brighten skin and reduce pigmentation. Look for ingredients like kojic acid, azelaic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin C, or retinoic acid, which can help inhibit melanin production and lighten dark circles.

  • Sunscreen

Excessive exposure to the sun can worsen dark circles by stimulating melanin production. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF every day to protect the skin around the eyes from sun damage and prevent hyperpigmentation.

  • Dermatological treatments

Consult a dermatologist for more advanced treatment options. Treatments such as chemical peels, laser, or microdermabrasion can help remove pigmented skin cells and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

  • Hyaluronic acid injections

Although these injections are more often associated with filling in hollow circles, they can also help improve the appearance of dark circles by hydrating the skin and giving it a more even appearance.

  • Corrective cosmetics and concealers

Use color correctors or concealing products specially designed to hide dark circles. Opt for products with yellow or peach pigments, which can help neutralize blue or purple tones in dark circles.

  • Regular care

Adopt a regular skin care routine to maintain the health and brightness of the skin around the eyes. Make sure to remove makeup carefully every evening, moisturize the skin with a suitable cream, and avoid habits that could irritate the skin and worsen dark circles, such as rubbing the eyes or using abrasive products.

How to combat hollow black circles?

Hollow black circles, also known as hollow circles or sunken circles, are caused by a sagging or hollowness in the skin around the eyes. They can be more difficult to treat than other types of dark circles due to their structural nature.

However, here are some methods to combat hollow dark circles:

  • Hyaluronic acid injection

This method is one of the most effective options for treating hollow dark circles. Hyaluronic acid is a component naturally present in the skin that helps maintain its hydration and firmness. When injected into the eye area, it can fill in the hollow under the skin and smooth the area, reducing the appearance of sunken dark circles. This procedure should be performed by a qualified professional to achieve the best results .

  • Filling with dermal fillers

In addition to hyaluronic acid, other dermal fillers can also be used to fill in hollow dark circles. These fillers may include substances such as collagen or calcium hydroxyapatites, which can provide structural support and volume to the under-eye area.

  • Chemical peeling

Chemical peels can be used to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which can improve the texture and appearance of hollow circles. Chemical peels can also help brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

  • Microneedling

Microneedling is a procedure that uses fine needles to create small punctures in the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This procedure can help thicken the skin and fill in hollow circles over time.

  • Topical treatments

Although topical treatments are not as effective as professional treatments, they can still help improve the appearance of hollow circles. Look for creams or serums with ingredients such as vitamin C, peptides or caffeine, which can help firm skin and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

  • Plastic surgery

In more serious cases of hollow dark circles, cosmetic surgery, such as blepharoplasty, may be considered. This procedure involves removing excess skin and fat around the eyes, which can reduce the appearance of hollow dark circles and rejuvenate the overall appearance of the eye area.

hyaluronic acid

Dark or mixed skin

Dark and mixed skin types tend to be more prone to dark circles for several reasons, including genetic factors, anatomical characteristics of the skin, and differences in pigment production.

  • Amount of melanin

Dark and mixed skin generally produces more melanin than lighter skin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for skin color, and excess production can lead to more pronounced dark circles. These dark circles may appear darker and more noticeable on dark skin tones due to the higher concentration of melanin.

  • Skin thickness

Dark and mixed skin tones tend to have thicker skin than lighter skin tones. Thicker skin can make dark circles more pronounced and more visible, as it offers less transparency and luminosity.

  • Structure of blood vessels

The structure of blood vessels under the skin can also influence the appearance of dark circles. In people with dark or mixed skin, blood vessels may be closer to the surface of the skin or have a more pronounced appearance, making dark circles more visible.

  • Life habits

Lifestyle habits, such as lack of sleep, stress and excessive alcohol consumption, can also contribute to the appearance of dark circles. These factors can affect blood circulation and skin quality, which can make dark circles more visible, regardless of skin type.

Due to these factors, people with dark or mixed skin may be more likely to develop dark circles and may find them more difficult to treat. It is therefore important for these individuals to take care of their skin and adopt healthy lifestyle habits to minimize the appearance of dark circles and preserve the overall health of the skin.


Dark circles under the eyes can be a frustrating problem, but fortunately, there are several methods to treat them and restore a bright, vibrant look . By understanding the causes of dark circles and choosing the appropriate treatments, it is possible to effectively reduce their appearance and regain self-confidence. Whether you opt for concealer creams, topical treatments or aesthetic medicine , always consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist for personalized advice and recommendations tailored to your needs.